International Journal of Mathematics and Computational Science
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International Journal of Mathematics and Computational Science, Vol.1, No.2, Apr. 2015, Pub. Date: Apr. 2, 2015
Total Szeged Index, Vertex-Edge Wiener Index and Edge Hyper-Wiener Index of Certain Special Molecular Graphs
Pages: 59-69 Views: 4277 Downloads: 1208
[01] Yun Gao, Department of Editorial, Yunnan Normal University, Kunming, China.
[02] Zhiyang Jia, Tourism and culture college, Yunnan University, Lijiang, China.
[03] Wei Gao, School of Information Science and Technology, Yunnan Normal University, Kunming, China.
In past years, topological indices are introduced to measure the characters of chemical molecules. Thus, the study of these topological indices has raised large attention in the field of chemical science, biology science and pharmaceutical science. In this paper, by virtue of molecular structure analysis, we determine the total Szeged index, vertex-edge Wiener index and edge hyper-Wiener index of several crucial molecular graphs, such as fan molecular graph, wheel molecular graph, gear fan molecular graph, gear wheel molecular graph, and their r-corona molecular graphs. The results achieved in our paper illustrate the promising application prospects for chemical engineering.
Chemical Graph Theory, Total Szeged Index, Vertex-Edge Wiener Index, Edge Hyper-Wiener Index, Fan Molecular Graph, Wheel Molecular Graph, Gear Fan Molecular Graph, Gear Wheel Molecular Graph, r-Corona Molecular Graph
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