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International Journal of Mathematics and Computational Science, Vol.4, No.1, Mar. 2018, Pub. Date: May 28, 2018
Decomposition of the Change in Proximate Determinants and Its Impacts on Fertility in Bangladesh: An Evidence from National Surveys
Pages: 8-17 Views: 1743 Downloads: 950
Md. Iqramul Haq, Department of Statistics, Jagannath University, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Bangladesh is passing the second phase of fertility transition according to the study released World Population Prospects (WPP) in 2015. The current aggregate fertility level (TFR) of Bangladesh is 2.3 births per woman. The analysis is based on secondary data obtained from three Bangladesh Demographic Health Surveys (BDHS 1993-94, BDHS 2004 and BDHS 2014). This study critically examined the decomposition of the change in fertility in Bangladesh by proximate determinants during the period 1993-94 to 2014. Due to the direct effect between fertility and proximate determinants, Bongaarts aggregate fertility model was applied. The contribution of each of the major proximate variables has been examined through the decomposition of TFR for the period 1993-94 to 2014 at two points in time. The results indicate that in 2014, contraception has the highest fertility reducing effect accounting for 61.6 percent reduction of TN relative to TMFR for Bangladesh compared to 56.7 percent in 2004. From findings of the study indicate that contraceptive practice is playing the key role in fertility decline in Bangladesh. The analyses also reveal that although the fertility, reducing effect is offset by the declining trend in the lactational infecundability period. The result of the study observed that the policy implications that can be drawn in order to achieve further fertility decline are campaigning for increase in the age at marriage of women and encouraging efforts to increase the quality of contraceptive use which will helped to achieved national and International targeted (SDG 3).
Background Determinants, Non-proximate Determinants, Behavioral Factors, Ever Had Terminated in Pregnancy, Postpartum Insusceptibility, SDG, MDG, Induced Abortion
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