International Journal of Mathematics and Computational Science
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International Journal of Mathematics and Computational Science, Vol.3, No.2, Apr. 2017, Pub. Date: Sep. 18, 2017
Management and Control of Smart Grid Systems: Opportunities and Challenges in Morocco
Pages: 6-14 Views: 2047 Downloads: 815
[01] Rachid Habachi, Laboratory of Engineering of Industrial Management and Innovation, University Hassan 1st, FST Settat, Morocco.
[02] Achraf Touil, Laboratory of Engineering of Industrial Management and Innovation, University Hassan 1st, FST Settat, Morocco.
[03] Abdelkabir Charkaoui, Laboratory of Engineering of Industrial Management and Innovation, University Hassan 1st, FST Settat, Morocco.
[04] Abdelwahed Echchatbi, Laboratory of Engineering of Industrial Management and Innovation, University Hassan 1st, FST Settat, Morocco.
The smart grid is an electrical network that connects decentralized renewable energy, energy distributed with high efficiency. It makes use of distributed energy product and advanced communication and control technologies to supply electricity at a lower cost by reducing green house gas emissions and meeting the needs of consumers. Typically, alternative forms of power generation combined with power management in order to balance the load of all users on the network, with small renewable sources instead of large centralized and remote source. This document provides are view of the literature and the general model on the concept and gives the expected needs and requirements of smart grids and the problems of families for the management an optimization of intelligent electrical grids, and potential of smart grid development in the case of Morocco.
Smart Grid Systems, Optimisation Methods, Case Study
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