International Journal of Mathematics and Computational Science
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International Journal of Mathematics and Computational Science, Vol.5, No.1, Mar. 2019, Pub. Date: Apr. 17, 2019
A Suggested Method from MAD-Median and Ridge Regression Estimator
Pages: 1-5 Views: 1449 Downloads: 397
[01] Irtefaa A. Neamah, Department of Mathematics, University of Kufa, Najaf, Iraq.
For the important of the estimation strategies and its big role in the sciences, we look forward to developing a suggested method based on the other classical methods. This is the main aim of this paper. One of the most important statistical distributions is Weibull distribution. So, we look forward to study more strategies to estimate its parameters shape and scale. In this paper, we study two known methods in estimation. There are ridge regression RR and Mad/Median estimator. But, we decided to create a new suggested method to know what is the best of them. So, the suggested method is a composition between the ridge regression and the mad/median estimator. To know the best result, it be supported this suggestion by a simulation study. Besides that, the comparison based on the most uses criteria is mean squares error MSE. The result was the suggested method gives more efficient result at most of the sample sizes.
Estimation, Ridge Regression, Mad/Median Estimator, Weibull Distribution, Mean Square Error, Simulation Study
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