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International Journal of Mathematics and Computational Science, Vol.1, No.2, Apr. 2015, Pub. Date: Mar. 21, 2015
Influence of Specularity Coefficients on the Interaction of Electromagnetic H-Wave with the Thin Metal Film is Disposed on the Dielectric Substrate
Pages: 21-24 Views: 4454 Downloads: 1222
Alexey Utkin Igorevich, Theoretical Physics Department, Moscow State Regional University, Moscow, Russia.
Alexander Yushkanov Alexeevich, Theoretical Physics Department, Moscow State Regional University, Moscow, Russia.
Interaction of electromagnetic H-wave with thin metal film is located between two dielectric environments ε1, ε2 in the case of different incident angles of H-wave θ and in the case of different reflection coefficients q1 и q2 is calculated in this article. Behavior analysis of reflection coefficient R, transmission coefficient T and absorption coefficient A in the case of its frequency dependence y and variation dielectric permeability of its environments is done.
The Thin Metal Film, Electromagnetic H-Wave, Dielectric Environments, Reflection Coefficient, Transmission Coefficient, Absorption Coefficient
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