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International Journal of Materials Chemistry and Physics, Vol.1, No.3, Dec. 2015, Pub. Date: Sep. 18, 2015
Dark Exciton Mass Spectrum with Relativistic Correction
Pages: 253-256 Views: 3772 Downloads: 1019
Arezu Jahanshir, Department of Eng. Science, Buein Zahra Technical University, Qazvin, Iran.
Characteristics and properties of exotic exciton systems (EXS) are often different and have too many opportunities for applications. Here we investigate one of the properties of dark exotic exciton system in the semiconductors. Interactions in semiconductors should be defined in relativistic and quantum limits. Thus, based on relativistic effects, we should describe all physical parameters like mass, binding energy, spin-orbital interactions etc. In this paper, we studied dark exciton. Based on the investigation of asymptotic behavior of the loop function for the charged scalar particles in the external gauge field, and have been able to obtain the mass spectrum of bound state and the constituent mass of dark exciton system. It shows that the mass of particles is different in bound and free states. We have found out that determining the mass of the bound state systems requires; first of all, determine the eigenvalue of the Hamiltonian with Coulomb potential and then calculating the mass and binding energy of dark exciton which we could be achieved. This method can be applied to calculate necessary parameters for exotic systems. Therefore, the presented equations are the appropriate method for investigating all bounding system in which we can analyze changes in energy and mass spectrum using intended potentials. Therefore, dark exciton binding energy is investigated by considering quantum filed theories. The results are compared in ground states and excited states that are very important in modern nanostructures like quantum dots, quantum wells and modern part of theoretical spintronics subjects.
Binding Energy, Bound State, Exotic System, Loop Function, Nanophysics
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