International Journal of Materials Chemistry and Physics
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International Journal of Materials Chemistry and Physics, Vol.1, No.1, Aug. 2015, Pub. Date: Jul. 23, 2015
Study the Pomegranate's Peel Powder as a Natural Inhibitor for Mild Steel Corrosion
Pages: 74-81 Views: 5916 Downloads: 1315
[01] Sahib Mohammed Mahdi, Materials Engineering Department, Engineering College, Al-Mustansiriya University, Baghdad, Iraqi.
A pomegranate peel powder used as corrosion inhibitor for mild steel in 5%HCl and 5%H2SO4 solutions. This investigation was done in two methods, one by calculating corrosion rate using weight loss process, for different exposure times (168,336,504 and 672 hrs). And the other by using electrochemical test, by soaking the pomegranate peel powder in 5%HCl and 5% H2SO4 for variant times (72,168 and 336 hrs). The results show that pomegranate peel powder is a good natural inhibitor for mild steel in dilute strong acids for limited period.
Pomegranate Peel, Mild Steel, Inhibitor, Corrosion, Potentiostat, Weight Loss
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