International Journal of Life Science and Engineering
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International Journal of Life Science and Engineering, Vol.1, No.4, Sep. 2015, Pub. Date: Jul. 15, 2015
Culture of Medicinal Plants in the City of Fortaleza as a Proposal for the Sustainable Development of the Municipality
Pages: 177-182 Views: 5498 Downloads: 1378
[01] K. A. Mourad, Water Resources Engineering, Lund University, Lund, Sweden.
[02] J. W. Silveira Neto, Environmental Management, Ateneu University, Fortaleza, Brazil.
[03] F. A. Pinto, Municipal Government of Fortaleza, Fortaleza, Brazil.
[04] M. G. Santos, Municipal Government of Fortaleza, Fortaleza, Brazil.
Medicinal plants cultivation has grown all over the world. This paper studies the role of Medicinal plants cultivation in sustainable development. The research takes the city of Fortaleza in Brazil as a case study. The results show that the proposed Living Pharmacy Program, which has been implanting for more than 20 years since 1990 in the municipality of Fortaleza, is enlarging the access of the population to the medicinal plants and physiotherapeutic medications, awakening their ecological conscience and thus contributing to economic and sustainable development of the municipality.
FortalFortaleza, Living Pharmacy Program, Medicinal Plants, Sustainable Developmenteza, Living Pharmacy Program, Medicinal Plants, Sustainable Development
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