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International Journal of Education and Information Technology, Vol.1, No.5, Dec. 2015, Pub. Date: Jan. 16, 2016
Teachers’ Development Regarding Cognitive Schemas and Creativity Through the Design of Digital Learning Tools
Pages: 155-164 Views: 3360 Downloads: 1017
Z. Smyrnaiou, Educational Technology Lab, Department of Pedagogy, National Kapodistrian University of Athens, Ilissia, Greece.
I. Psarri, Educational Technology Lab, Department of Pedagogy, National Kapodistrian University of Athens, Ilissia, Greece.
E. Petropoulou, Educational Technology Lab, Department of Pedagogy, National Kapodistrian University of Athens, Ilissia, Greece.
Science teaching has become closely related with the concept of creativity which is embedded in the learning process with the implementation of activities that enhance students’ engagement in the design, experimentation and inquiry of the scientific concepts under negotiation. However, there is a research gap in terms of teachers’ development of creative skills that would significantly contribute to their transferring and embedding this cognitive process into the learning process and teaching practices. In the present study we examine a teacher’s development regarding cognitive schemas and creative skills while engaged in designing a learning tool that addresses the modular area of Kinematics. For the implementation of the design, there has been used the digital environment of E-slate as an authoring tool that allows for multiple creative experimentations. Our research findings result from tracking and thoroughly analyzing the designer’s development regarding cognitive schemas and creativity while dynamically interacting with the authoring tool.
Cognitive Schemes, Creativity, Inquiry-Based Approach, Instrumental Genesis
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