International Journal of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science
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International Journal of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science, Vol.6, No.3, Sep. 2021, Pub. Date: Dec. 6, 2021
Design and Simulation of a Control System for Investors in Wind Turbines
Pages: 31-36 Views: 4390 Downloads: 1626
[01] Armin Hassanzadeh Hassanabad, Department of Electrical Engineering, Kamal Institute of Technology, Urmia, Iran.
[02] Daniel Nazeipur, Department of Electrical Engineering, Kamal Institute of Technology, Urmia, Iran.
Wind power is one of the main sources of renewable energies, and wind turbines are widely installed in power distribution grids and are connected directly to power transmission grids. As its level of network penetration has begun to increase, wind power has a pivotal impact on the operation of the modern network system. Direct current (DC) input voltage of inverters fluctuates dramatically in distributed generation applications such as in a wind turbine system. Moreover, a high quality ac output is required for grid interconnection under variable source conditions. Voltage and current converters generate discrete output waveforms, harmonic contamination, additional power losses, and high frequency noise, which need large inductances connected in series with the respective load to obtain the desired current waveform. In order to address this issue, various types of multilevel inverters have been used in the literature. In this work, a neutral point clamped three-level inverter (NPCTLI) is used to evaluate its performance for wind turbines. In this paper a closed loop sinusoidal pulse width modulation (SPWM) control system proposes with real time waveform feedback techniques for a network-connected multilevel inverter in a wind turbine. Additionally, to cope with the high-resonant peak of the inverter that may cause instability, low-pass passive filters with two series inductor and capacitor known as (T) filters are employed. The simulation results demonstrated that the proposed system has better harmonic rejection potency.
Wind Turbine, Harmonics, Filters, Three-level Inverter, SPWM
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