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International Journal of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science, Vol.2, No.4, Nov. 2017, Pub. Date: Dec. 9, 2017
Application of Virtual Visualization Tools in Hospitality Environment Experiments
Pages: 23-27 Views: 1920 Downloads: 400
Katsiaryna Siamionava, College of Business, Georgia Tech University, Atlanta, USA.
Lisa Slevitch, School of Hotel and Restaurant Administration, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, USA.
Tilanka Chandrasekera, Department of Design, Housing, and Merchandising, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, USA.
Environmental Design experiments are often plagued by external variables that cannot be controlled in an experimental design. In this study Virtual Reality tools are used to evaluate different types of hospitality environments. Two different Head Mounted Display systems are used in this study and the differences in the level of presence is measured.
Virtual Reality, Hospitality Industry, User Perception
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