International Journal of Economics and Business Administration
Articles Information
International Journal of Economics and Business Administration, Vol.2, No.5, Sep. 2016, Pub. Date: Sep. 19, 2016
The Pattern of Law Protection of Indonesian Workers and the Model for Enhancing Entrepreneurial Spirit of the Post Migrant Workers in West Nusa Tenggara
Pages: 53-58 Views: 3383 Downloads: 915
[01] Gede Tusan Ardika, Faculty of Law, Mahasaraswati University of Mataram, West Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia.
[02] Dewi Yani Wahyuti, Faculty of Economic, Mahasaraswati University of Mataram, West Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia.
[03] Nenet Natasudian Jaya, Faculty of Economic, Mahasaraswati University of Mataram, West Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia.
The Every citizen has the right to obtain employment and income that provide welfare. But if it can not be implemented properly by the government, it is partly due to the number of Indonesian population, the absorption of limited economic, educational level and low productivity, as well as the spread of population and workforce is uneven, both regionally and sectoral. Problems in placement of Indonesian Workers (IWs) involves many parties, namely the government (BNP2TKI), recruitment agencies, service users and Iws themselvesf; especially regarding the protection of the obligations and obtain their rights while working abroad. The population in this study is the workers who came from the city of Mataram and West Lombok. Sampling is by purposive sampling based on a specific purpose, using the sociological juridical approach to qualitative data analysis method follows the pattern of research in the social sciences. Research specificationis analytical descriptive that describes the implementation of legal protection for migrant workers and the pattern of increase in the entrepreneurial spirit of the post-migrant workers. The results showed that the legal protection given by the government to workers can not be applied optimally because many of the rights of migrant workers are not included in the contract so it is not clear what form of protection. The persistence of the violations primarily for the migrant workers who work in the non-formal fields, otherwise protection for those in the formal sector has been implemented since it works all the provisions in the agreements related to the protection already accommodated properly. The government of West Nusa Tenggara province has conducted four post-migrant empowerment of migrant workers, namely fostering business development; colloquium and expo activities; guidance in the context of post-migrant problematic or rehabilitation, recovery of the physical, psychological and psychosocial; and banking education in order to manage remittances for productive activities and technical guidance. The programsare in the context of wise use of the results obtained during the work abroad, so hoped finally it will reduce the intensity of their work back abroad.
Legal Protection, Indonesian Workers, Entrepreneurship, and Post-Migrant Workers
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