International Journal of Chemical and Biomolecular Science
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International Journal of Chemical and Biomolecular Science, Vol.1, No.2, Aug. 2015, Pub. Date: Jul. 10, 2015
Effect of Temperature and Storage on Vitamin C Content in Fruits Juice
Pages: 17-21 Views: 8595 Downloads: 26885
[01] Abubakar El-Ishaq, School of Science and Technology, Science Laboratory Technology Department, Chemistry/Biochemistry Unit, Federal Polytechnic, Damaturu Nigeria.
[02] Simon Obirinakem, School of Science and Technology, Science Laboratory Technology Department, Chemistry/Biochemistry Unit, Federal Polytechnic, Damaturu Nigeria.
The amount of Vitamin C content of some fresh fruit degradaded with time was investigated; Pineapple, Orange, Watermelon and Tomato stored under difference conditions. The juices from the samples were extracted and vitamin C content in the juice was analysed at room temperature, 400C and at seven (7) days storage by indophenols titration method. The result revealed that vitamin C content is more in Pineapple juice compared to Orange, Watermelon and Tomato juice as shown in Table 1 in this order; 49.38 ±1.875, 39.75 ±1.000, 27.50±1.250 and 19.13 ±1.630 mg/100ml respectively. The fresh juice were boiled at 400C and vitamin C content was determined. Result shows that; there is decreased in Vitamin C content after boiling as shown in Table 1; 26.25 ±1.750, 23.00 ±1.520, 16.70±1.420 and 10.83 ±2.600 mg/100ml respectively. The fresh juices were also stored at room temperature for 7 days and vitamin C content was determined. Result revealed that; there is loss of vitamin C content in fresh juice but not as much as the boiled juice Table1; 42.13 ±0.875, 31.50 ± 1.000, 21.63 ±1.625 and 15.63±0.625 mg/100ml respectively. The rate at which vitamin C is loss during storage depend on the type of storage methods employed.
Scurvy, Antioxidant, Indophenol Titration, Vitamin C in Fresh Fruits, Vegetables, Stability and Damaturu
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