International Journal of Chemical and Biomolecular Science
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International Journal of Chemical and Biomolecular Science, Vol.1, No.3, Oct. 2015, Pub. Date: Aug. 26, 2015
Physicochemical Characteristics and Pigment Content of Algerian Olive Oils: Effect of Olive Cultivar and Geographical Origin
Pages: 153-157 Views: 4852 Downloads: 2202
[01] Ouassila Zegane, Laboratory of Applied Biochemistry, Faculty of Life and Natural Sciences, University of Bejaia, Bejaia, Algeria.
[02] Sonia Keciri, Technical Institute of Arboriculture of Fruits and Vine (TIAFV), Bejaia, Algeria.
[03] Hayette Louaileche, Laboratory of Applied Biochemistry, Faculty of Life and Natural Sciences, University of Bejaia, Bejaia, Algeria.
The present work presents a preliminary characterization of Chemlal extra-virgin olive oils from four locations in Algeria (Biskra, Bouira, Skikda and Oran), and oils of three olive cultivars (Tableout, Sigoise, Frantoio) form Biskra, South of Algeria. Quality indices including free fatty acid content, peroxide value and spectophotometric indices (K 232 and K 270 ) and pigment (chlorophylls and carotenoids) contents of the investigated oils were evaluated. Our results revealed that the levels of the analyzed parameters were within the limits established for the highest quality category “extra virgin” olive oils. The cultivar and the geographical origin of the oil samples have a statistically significant influence on both chlorophyll and carotenoid contents. Chlorophyll content varied between 0.84 (Chemlal from Skikda) and 2.89 mg/Kg (Chemlal from Biskra) while the carotenoid levels ranged from 0.7 (Chemlal from Oran and Frantoio from Biskra) to 1.7 mg/Kg (Chemlal and Sigoise from Biskra).
Cultivar, Quality Indices, Virgin Olive Oil, Carotenoids, Chlorophylls
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