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International Journal of Chemical and Biomolecular Science, Vol.1, No.3, Oct. 2015, Pub. Date: Aug. 17, 2015
Effects of Water Soaking on the Nutritional Compositions of Beef in Nigeria: A Review
Pages: 129-133 Views: 4802 Downloads: 1707
M. T. Usman, Department of Pure and Industry Chemistry, Bayaro University Kano, Kano State, Nigeria.
A. S. Tanko, Biochemistry Department, Bauchi State University, Bauchi State, Nigeria.
A. J. Alhassan, Biochemistry Department, Bayaro University Kano, Kano State, Nigeria.
Effects of butcher men attitudes of increasing bulk by water soaking, on nutritional and mineral composition of beef was evaluated. The beef sample was grouped into five (I-V) and soaked at different time intervals of 30 minutes for 2hrs (0 - 2 hrs). The % moisture content of soaked blots sample was determine and the % proximate composition (protein, fat, ash and carbohydrates) and vitamins (B2 and B6) were determined as dry weigh matter (DWM) including the elemental compositions. The moisture content was found to increased significantly (P<0.05) with soaking periods. The nutritional contents were significantly (P<0.05) decrease with increase in soaking periods, this may be associated with lost to soaking water. Despite significant decrease in cumulative mineral index (% ash) there was no significant decrease in concentration of individual mineral content of the beef with increase in soaking period, this may be associated with existence of these element in form of matrix. Soaking was found to significantly reduce the nutritional quality of beef with great effects on its mineral element contents because only moisture content of the sample A (control) was found to be (28.5%) which was lower than that of other samples when compared. The difference or variation is due to their different time interval of soaking. But the carbohydrate, protein, Lipid, Ash, vitamins and minerals contents of the sample A (control) was found to be higher than that of other sample when compared. The Management concerned who are working in meat processing house (abattoir) should make sure that all the meat at the butcher or in the supermarket meet health and food safety regulations and must check that hygienic conditions and work practices and animal welfare standards are maintained during meat processing, packing and storage by doing tests, developing quality assurance systems and conducting internal audits.
Abattoir, Beef, Soaking, Time Intervals, Proximate Compositions, Vitamins and Mineral Elements
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