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International Journal of Chemical and Biomolecular Science, Vol.1, No.3, Oct. 2015, Pub. Date: Aug. 10, 2015
Determination of Some Selected Ions in Borehole Water and Its Implication: A Case Study of Bolewa ‘A’ Ward in Potiskum Town of Yobe State
Pages: 113-116 Views: 4303 Downloads: 1174
Abubakar El-Ishaq, School of Science Technology, Science Laboratory Technology Department, Biochemistry/Chemistry Unit, Federal Polytechnic Damaturu Yobe State Nigeria.
Akinsola R. O., School of Science Technology, Science Laboratory Technology Department, Biochemistry/Chemistry Unit, Federal Polytechnic Damaturu Yobe State Nigeria.
Fatima Baba Ajiya, School of Science Technology, Science Laboratory Technology Department, Biochemistry/Chemistry Unit, Federal Polytechnic Damaturu Yobe State Nigeria.
Sources of water used in Potiskum town directly used for domestic purposes without prior treatment. For the fact that this water is underground sometimes contaminated by dissolved mineral and other substances. Excess of some of such substances in drinking water may be injuries to human health or an economic menace to domestic utensils. The objective of this study is to analyse the different physicochemical parameters in selected water sources and compared to World Health Organisation Guideline Value (WHO GLV). The analysis of various parameters was carried out using Spectrophotometric DR 2000 HACH MACHE and Methods of Ademoroti,1996. The parameters determined are; PH, elemental ions, Conductivity and Total dissolved solid. The result of physicochemical analysis revealed that all the ions present in samples were within the (WHO) limits; Iron, Fluorine, Magnesium, Chromium hexavalent. Except Manganese1.6 mg/l that has a high content of sample C. The research work bears some recommendations for society and suggested further research work.
Mineral Elements, WHO GLV, Manganese, Untreated Water, Potiskum
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