International Journal of Chemical and Biomolecular Science
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International Journal of Chemical and Biomolecular Science, Vol.1, No.2, Aug. 2015, Pub. Date: Jul. 16, 2015
Colouration Industry Wastewater Treatments in Nigeria–Hazard and Treatment: A Review
Pages: 27-33 Views: 4298 Downloads: 1963
[01] Gumel S. M., Department of Pure and Industrial Chemistry, Bayero University, Kano, Kano State, Nigeria.
[02] Usman M. T., Department of Pure and Industrial Chemistry, Bayero University, Kano, Kano State, Nigeria.
[03] Ado A., Department of Pure and Industrial Chemistry, Bayero University, Kano, Kano State, Nigeria.
Effective treatment of effluent discharged in colouration industry requires advanced treatment technologies such as adsorption for the removal of colorants or dyestuffs. Effluent is an out-flowing of water or gas from a natural body of water or from a human-made structure such as colouration industry. In the artificial sense, effluent is generally considered to be water pollution, such as the outflow from a sewage treatment facility or the wastewater discharge from industrial facilities into surface of water body. The complex organic framework of effluents and presence of heavy metals induce chronic toxicity and they may be mutagenic, tetratogenic and carcinogenic. Many researchers reported that, cases of tumors, cancer and effect on liver and kidney increased significantly after long-term exposure to effluent (p<0.05). Colouration industrial effluent treatment covers the mechanisms and processes used to treat waters that have been contaminated in some ways by anthropogenic industrial or commercial activities prior to its release into the environment or its reuse. Most colouration Industries in Nigeria produce some wet waste although recent trends in the developed world have been to minimize such production or recycle such waste within the production process by some regulated agencies such as United State’s Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), National pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) and Nigeria Federal Environmental Protection Agency (FEPA). The present review is aimed at assessing the effluent treatment status by Nigerian colouration industry with a view to highlight the necessary strategies that will guide the authorities concerned and also the Nigerian colouration industries to effectively discharge their social responsibilities to the concerned community.
Colouration Industry, Industrial Effluents and Treatment of Effluents
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