International Journal of Biomedical and Clinical Sciences
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International Journal of Biomedical and Clinical Sciences, Vol.5, No.1, Mar. 2020, Pub. Date: Mar. 24, 2020
Determination of Rate Effectiveness of Thraputic Plan on Emotional Plan and Self Endurance Related To Norotic Substances
Pages: 50-55 Views: 1309 Downloads: 278
[01] Abubakr Agha Moradi, Faculty of Psychology, University of Lincoln, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
[02] Ali Akbar Rahmatiyan, Faculty of Psychology, University of Lincoln, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Present research aiming in investigating schema therapy on addict `s emotional schema and self-resiliency. Methodology of the current research is semi-experimental with pretest-posttest and unequal control group and its population were all addicted men in quit addiction camps and clinics of Bandartorkman who were 112 people. Research samples were 35 people, 15 for experimental group and 20 for control group who were selected through one step random cluster sampling. All treatment processes were done in eight one-hour-sessions on every patient and to evaluate the degree of emotional and resiliency schema, Leahy`s emotional schema scale and Conner & Davidson`s self-resiliency scale were used. In order to analyze data, univariate analysis of covariance has been used. Results have shown that independent variable (group) had a meaningful effect on dependent variable (emotional schema) (F=67/77, P<0.001). Thus first research hypothesis is confirmed. As well independent (group) variable had a meaningful effect on dependent variable (self-resiliency) (F=27/77, P<0.001). Thus second research hypothesis is also confirmed. Hence it could be concluded that schema therapy has an effect on emotional schema and resiliency of addicts.
Schema Therapy, Emotional Schema, Resiliency, Drug Addicted People
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