International Journal of Advanced Materials Research
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International Journal of Advanced Materials Research, Vol.5, No.4, Dec. 2019, Pub. Date: Dec. 11, 2019
Modeling the Influence of Surface Free Energy on the Durability of Modified Asphalt Concrete
Pages: 58-67 Views: 1405 Downloads: 567
[01] Saad Issa Sarsam, Department of Civil Engineering, College of Engineering, University of Baghdad, Baghdad, Iraq.
[02] Mostafa Kamal Abdul Hussain, Department of Highway Engineering, College of Engineering, University of Almustansiriah, Baghdad, Iraq.
Modeling the durability of modified asphalt concrete can assist in verification of suitable type of additives. The improvement in the properties of asphalt concrete due to implication of additives are proposed to last for the design life of the mixture, such durability issue is essential and should be checked before a decision is made. In this work, the influence of (7% sulfur and 10% carbon black) additives by weight of asphalt cement on the durability of asphalt concrete was investigated. The implication of such additives into the asphalt cement have been conducted using two different techniques, the cooking pressure vessel and the oven heating technique. Wilhelmy plate and sessile drop test methods have been implemented for verification of surface free energy of control and modified asphalt cement. Asphalt concrete Specimens of 102 mm in diameter and 63.5 mm in height have been prepared using the Marshall Compaction procedure. Specimens were separated into two groups; the first group was tested for temperature susceptibility at (25 and 40)°C. The second group was subjected to moisture damage according to modified Lottman procedure, then tested at high, moderate, and low testing temperatures of (60, 40, and 10)°C. Specimens were tested in triplicate and the average values were considered for evaluation and modeling. Test results were analyzed and modeled with the aid of IBM SPSS V 24 software. It was concluded that the obtained linear statistical models are beneficial in assessing the influence of mixing techniques and additives type on the surface free energy variables, physical and rheological properties of modified asphalt cement. The durability in terms of resistance of modified asphalt concrete to moisture damage and temperature susceptibility could be predicted based on surface free energy models developed.
Asphalt Concrete, Durability, Moisture Damage, Temperature Susceptibility, Modeling, Surface Free Energy
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