International Journal of Advanced Materials Research
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International Journal of Advanced Materials Research, Vol.5, No.2, Jun. 2019, Pub. Date: Sep. 6, 2019
An Overview on Recent Development in Desiccant Materials
Pages: 31-37 Views: 1391 Downloads: 561
[01] Jani Dilip Batukray, Department of Mechanical Engineering, GEC-Dahod, Gujarat Technological University (GTU), Ahmedabad, India.
Desiccant based cooling and dehumidification systems have gained increasing interest as an alternative air conditioning technology. Performance of desiccant plays a crucial role in overall performance of the overall system, especially in terms of dehumidification and regeneration capacity. It is desirable to explore desiccant materials that are possessing high adsorption capacity and good regeneration ability. Thus, this review summarizes recent researches and developments on various desiccant materials that can be adopted in desiccant based cooling systems. The materials include composite desiccants, nanoporous inorganic materials and polymeric desiccants. Regeneration ability is also considered for full use of low grade thermal energy. It is also seen that by proper selection of host matrix and immersed salts, composite desiccants have improved capacity of dehumidification and regeneration. Besides, a good balance can be reached between regeneration and adsorption capacity by tailoring textural properties of nanoporous inorganic materials. For polymeric desiccants, further progress in adsorptive dehumidification will be anticipated. Though some novel materials approach requirements for desiccant assisted systems, limited material currently available can perfectly satisfy all the required demands. In this case, more intensive researches in the field of development and evaluation of advanced materials are still required.
Adsorption, COP, Desiccant Dehumidification, Desorption, Reactivation
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