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International Journal of Advanced Materials Research, Vol.4, No.2, Jun. 2018, Pub. Date: Jun. 14, 2018
Investigation on Compound Formation in Mg-Sb and Cu-Sb Liquid Alloys
Pages: 29-34 Views: 1675 Downloads: 421
Akintunde Ayodeji Ajayi, Department of Mathematical and Physical Sciences, Afe Babalola University, Ado-Ekiti, Nigeria.
Enoch Debayo Ogunmola, Department of Mathematical and Physical Sciences, Afe Babalola University, Ado-Ekiti, Nigeria.
The occurrence of compound formation in Mg-Sb and Cu-Sb liquid alloys has been discussed through investigation of concentration-dependent thermodynamic and microscopic functions such as Gibbs free energy of mixing, GM/RT, concentration-concentration fluctuations in the long wavelength, Scc (0), Warren-Cowley short range order, α1 and chemical diffusion. Using the compound formation model, results suggest that Mg3Sb2 and Cu2Sb compounds are formed in Mg-Sb and Cu-Sb systems respectively. It is also observed that the tendency for compound formation is greater in Mg-Sb than Cu-Sb system.
Compound Formation Model, Heterocoordination, Mg-Sb, Cu-Sb, Gibbs Free Energy, Concentration-Concentration Fluctuations
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