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International Journal of Advanced Materials Research, Vol.4, No.1, Mar. 2018, Pub. Date: Jun. 6, 2018
Unified Exact Solutions to the Hyperbolically Tapered Pressurized/Rotating Disks Made of Nonhomogeneous Isotropic/Orthotropic Materials
Pages: 1-23 Views: 1722 Downloads: 437
Vebil Yıldırım, Mechanical Engineering Department, University of Çukurova, Adana, Turkey.
This work focuses mainly on the proposing closed-form solutions for the elastic fields in a power-law graded polar orthotropic hyperbolically tapered disk under separate inner/outer pressures, and centrifugal forces due to the rotation at a constant angular speed based on the present unified formulation. These formulas are capable of exact determination of the elastic behaviour of continuously hyperbolically tapered disks made of a single isotropic material, or made of a single polar orthotropic material, or made of a nonhomogeneous material formed by functionally power-law graded two isotropic materials, or a nonhomogeneous material formed by functionally power-law graded two orthotropic materials. Due to their multipurpose use, the present formulas may be directly employed in the material tailoring problems of hyperbolic disks. Three boundary conditions are studied: a disk with traction-free surfaces, a disk mounted on a circular rigid shaft having a traction-free outer surface, and a disk mounted on a circular rigid shaft having a rigid casing at the outer surface. The fibers are assumed to be reinforced along either radial (RR) or circumferential (CR) directions. After validating the present analytical solutions with both analytical and numerical results in the open literature, a comprehensive dimensionless parametric study is conducted to inspect of the effects of fiber orientations, profile parameters, inhomogeneity indexes, and boundary conditions under both pressure and centrifugal forces. It is chiefly revealed that the response of the disk having either CR-aligned or RR-aligned fibers may differ regarding to the mechanical loads. Some numerical results are presented in tabular forms.
Variable-thickness Disk, Non-uniform Disk, Exact Solution, Functionally Graded, Polar Orthotropic, Circumferentially Aligned
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