International Journal of Advanced Materials Research
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International Journal of Advanced Materials Research, Vol.2, No.6, Nov. 2016, Pub. Date: Oct. 19, 2016
Comparative Analysis of Strength Tensile and Shear Between Cast-in-Place and Post-Instaled Anchors
Pages: 92-97 Views: 4514 Downloads: 1127
[01] Abdul Haris, Civil Engineering Department, ITATS, Surabaya, Indonesia.
[02] Wisnu Febriantoro, Civil Engineering Department, ITATS, Surabaya, Indonesia.
Classical anchors (Cast-In-Place Anchors) is an anchors installed according to design on the part of the concrete structure that will be in the cast, so its use is limited to new construction, while Dyna Bold (Post-instaled Anchors) is a bolt anchors mounted on concrete which has hardened or existing concrete. Installation of anchor bolts of this type can be used in new construction or rehabilitation of old construction. Due to the installation of different types, use/function, which together allow Dyna Bold if the role can be used to replace Classical anchors or allow to be otherwise. In this study conducted a comparative study of tensile strength and shear between Classical anchors (Cast- In-Place Anchors) and Dyna Bold (Post-instaled Anchors) using 2 methods of comparison is by manual calculation analysis refers ETag 001 and the test specimen in the laboratory. Tensile resilience and the maximum shear with the manual calculation method using “ETag 001 Metal Anchors For Use In Concrete”. The results showed that tensile resistance of Classical anchors (Post instaled Anchors) is greater than the tensile resistance Dyna Bold (Cast In Place Anchors). The maximum shear resistance Classical Anchors (Post instaled Anchors) is greater than the shear resistance Dyna Bold (Cast In Place Anchors).
Tensile Strength, Shear Strength, Anchors Classical, Dyna Bold
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