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International Journal of Advanced Materials Research, Vol.2, No.3, May 2016, Pub. Date: Apr. 14, 2016
Friction Coefficient of Headscarf Textiles Sliding Against Hair and Skin
Pages: 33-37 Views: 2603 Downloads: 2332
Abdel-Mageed A. M., Mechanical Eng. Dep., Faculty of Engineering, Minia University, El-Mania, Egypt.
Ibrahim R. A., Mechanical Eng. Dep., Faculty of Engineering, Beni-Suef University, Beni-Suef, Egypt.
Ali W. Y., Mechanical Eng. Dep., Faculty of Engineering, Minia University, El-Mania, Egypt.
Fixing headscarf by pins is accompanied by pin aspiration, where the people used to hold a number of pins in the mouth and use them to fix the scarf so that the risk of pin aspiration increased. Controlling friction coefficient between headscarf, skin and hair can avoid this problem. In the present work, friction coefficient displayed from the sliding of headscarf of different textiles materials against hair and skin was investigated. Test specimens of headscarf of common textile fibres were tested by sliding under different loads against skin, African, Caucasian and Asian hairs. It was found that, skin showed the higher friction coefficient than hair. Satin displayed the lowest friction among the tested textiles. African hair displayed relatively higher friction when sliding against cotton, flax and inner lining of headscarf. Asian hair showed higher friction for polyester, polyacrylonitrile, crape, jil, chiffon and satin head scarves. Caucasian hair exhibited the lowest friction coefficient. Based on these observations, it can be concluded that proper selection of the textiles to be used as headscarf is essential.
Friction Coefficient, Headscarf, Textiles, Hair, Skin
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