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International Journal of Advanced Materials Research, Vol.2, No.2, Mar. 2016, Pub. Date: Apr. 5, 2016
Influence of Natural Fillers on Tribological and Mechanical Performance of Polyester Composites
Pages: 27-32 Views: 2791 Downloads: 1405
Ibrahim R. A., Mechanical Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Beni-Suif University, Beni-Suif, Egypt.
Polymer composites reinforced by natural fibers/fillers provide good tribological properties nontraditional materials for industrial applications that require desire friction coefficient and wear resistance such as bearing materials, brake pads materials and flooring materials …etc. In the present work, polyester composites filled with Corn Straw Powder (CSP) or Jasmine Leaves Powder (JLP) proposed as new engineering materials with improved mechanical and frictional behavior. Cylindrical pins with 10 mm diameter and 30 mm height were prepared as test specimens. Two factors considered when designing the experiment; first the size of filling particles, second the weight ratio of the added particles. A Pin-on-disk tribometer designed and constructed to perform measurements of the friction coefficient and wear rate for proposed composites. WP300.20 universal testing device used to investigate the mechanical properties of polyester composite. Results show that corn straw particles and jasmine leaves powder have a significant effect on the mechanical and tribological behavior of polyester composites.
Corn Straw Powder (CSP), Jasmine Leaves Powder (JLP), Polyester Composite, Friction, Wear, Stress- Strain Curve
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