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International Journal of Advanced Materials Research, Vol.1, No.1, Mar. 2015, Pub. Date: Mar. 14, 2015
Assessing Fatigue Life of Reclaimed Asphalt Concrete Recycled with Nanomaterial Additives
Pages: 1-7 Views: 3372 Downloads: 1429
Saad Issa Sarsam, Department of Civil Engineering, College of Engineering, University of Baghdad, Baghdad, IRAQ.
Ali Muhssin AL-Shujairy, Department of Civil Engineering, College of Engineering, University of Baghdad, Baghdad, Iraq.
Fatigue Behavior of recycled asphalt concrete is considered as one of the most important properties, which should be investigated. In this work, the impact of three types of recycling agents with nano materials on Fatigue Behavior of recycled asphalt concrete has been investigated. Roller compacted asphalt concrete slab samples with dimension of (300x400) mm, 55 mm thick were prepared in the laboratory under controlled conditions, forty beams with dimension of 400mm long, 57mm wide and 55mm high obtained from sawed Roller compacted slabs were implemented for fatigue test in repetitive four points loading under constant strain level. Half of the beams were directly tested at 20° C (unconditioned), while the remaining 20 beam specimens were placed in water bath at 25˚C for 15 minutes then removed and placed in deep freeze at -18˚C for (16 ) hours. The frozen specimens were then moved to a water bath for 24 hours at (60˚C), then were placed in a water bath at 25˚C for one hour, and then were tested in the 4-point loading machine, (conditioned). It was concluded that fatigue life decreases after conditioning by (-61.34%, -63.68% and -36.55%) at 250μԐ, for recycled mixtures with (Soft Ac), (Soft Ac + Silica Fumes) and (Soft Ac + Fly ash), respectively. Fatigue life at 250μԐ (Unconditioned) increased by ( 608.57%, 599.64% and 265.89% ) for recycled mixtures with Soft Ac, Soft Ac + Silica Fumes and Soft Ac + Fly ash as compared with aged mixture.
Asphalt Concrete, Fatigue Life, Nanomaterial, Recycling
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