American Journal of Social Science Research
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American Journal of Social Science Research, Vol.6, No.1, Mar. 2020, Pub. Date: May 26, 2020
City Definition, Justice Landscape and Existential Relation of Citizen with Place and Time
Pages: 1-11 Views: 1402 Downloads: 691
[01] Mohammadreza Shahidipak, Faculty of Arts and Humanity and Literature, Islamic Republic of Iran, Islamic Azad University Central Tehran Branch, Tehran, Iran.
In history of city studies, there is a direct relationship between definition of city and its shaping and city definition should be provided. Definition of city is very complex and causes of failure in urban planning are undefined. In social definition, city is large residence of people who are socially heterogeneous. Result of this identifying is legitimacy of political liberalism for managing cities. Spirit of these definitions is human landscape of cities. landscape is language that defines city, following it, scholars expressed quality of social life and categorized cities from social landscape of citizenship. That is one of the most important pillars of social thought, In medieval introduced city as sociological paradigm, AL-Farabi, categorized cities by moral values and justice landscape, Ibn Khaldun, distinguished different landscape of distributive justice for social life in urban, rural societies and Islamic urbanization portrayed landscape elements of city as religious phenomenon, in modern era, too, urban research has focused on justifying differences in quality of urban life. And result of most recent twentieth-century research of Chicago school of sociology also emphasizes the same difference between quality of rural and urban life and extent and depth of difference between landscape of cities, and Aristotle's question on the nature of difference and spatial justice and democracy remains. In the history of social philosophy, classical social definition of city began by Aristotle and Plato. This definition is based on the difference landscape in distribution of justice in city, because justice does not have a natural place on Aristotelian landscape of city, and justice is ultimately as equity and fairness, the research hypothesis is that there is a direct relationship between cognition of city and its shaping and because inadequacy of many city's description, researchers are trying to present true identity and landscape of city and many scholars have turned to intuitive expression of city to form proper human, as Bergson, Heidegger, Lynch, Mumford, Soja, because quantity and quality of constant changes of modernism in place and time always destroys foundations of human city shaping, one of ontological city landscape is medieval face. Return to roots of medieval urbanization patterns are also solution to escape from evils of modernism paradox, shaping city according to medieval doctrines in some cities is natural process, but in some cities is kind of medievalism, recently cities Perception and their relationship to past are main research areas in humanities and urbanization and practical philosophy of landscape is providing same feeling for citizens, there is hypothesis that pattern of medieval cities has solved problem of spatial justice and distribution of democracy, by compiling and editing variety of relationships and citizenship rights. Finally medieval cosmopolite with local culture and history is newest urban planning options in post-urban and postmodern period.
City, Aristotle, Farabi, Heidegger, Justice Landscape, Medievalism, Urban Planning
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