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American Journal of Social Science Research, Vol.4, No.3, Sep. 2018, Pub. Date: Jul. 26, 2018
Association of Gender, Ethnicity, Personality, Leadership Skills and Its Influence on Music Preferences Among Medical Students in Malaysia
Pages: 60-68 Views: 1715 Downloads: 1051
Brenda Song Wei Lyn, Faculty of Medicine, Melaka Manipal Medical College (Manipal Academy of Higher Education (MAHE)), Melaka, Malaysia.
Mohana Thamil Selvan, Faculty of Medicine, Melaka Manipal Medical College (Manipal Academy of Higher Education (MAHE)), Melaka, Malaysia.
Shubhashri Jaya Prakash Menon, Faculty of Medicine, Melaka Manipal Medical College (Manipal Academy of Higher Education (MAHE)), Melaka, Malaysia.
Lee Weng Kiong, Faculty of Medicine, Melaka Manipal Medical College (Manipal Academy of Higher Education (MAHE)), Melaka, Malaysia.
Zur’aainaa Bt. Jamalludin, Faculty of Medicine, Melaka Manipal Medical College (Manipal Academy of Higher Education (MAHE)), Melaka, Malaysia.
Background: Music had evolved throughout time and so are its usages and its impact on people. Because of this, there are multiple factors that contributed to choices of music in individuals. This study was conducted to determine the effects of gender, ethnicity, and personality and leadership skills on music preference among medical students. Methods: This cross sectional study was carried out among undergraduate students of private medical university of Malaysia from March to April 2018. Self-administered questionnaire regarding music genre type, leadership skill and personality type were completed by 178 participants. The data were collected and analysed by using Microsoft Excel 2013 with the help of Epi-info software. Categorical data were summarized by using frequency and percentage while quantitative data are represented by mean and standard deviation. Odd ratio and multivariate linear regression was used to measure the association with confidential interval of 95% and level of significance of 0.05%. Results: 178 participants had volunteered in this study, 135 were identified as leaders whereas 43 were potential leaders and there were none without leadership skills. In music preferences, 35.4% preferred upbeat & conventional music, 33.5% preferred energetic & rhythmic music, and 23.9% prefer reflective & complex music whereas remaining 7.2% preferred intense & rebellious music. There was significant association between thinking/feeling type of personality and leadership skills. Moreover, there was significant association between ethnicity, leadership, personality and music preference among the students. Conclusion: Different personalities, ethnicities and gender have different preferences in music. Ethnicity affects music preferences due to attraction towards their own cultures. Different gender are influenced by their nature and emotions. For leadership skills, there was significant association towards music preferences and also thinking/feeling type of personality.
Gender, Ethnicity, Personality, Leadership Skills, Music Preferences, Medical Students
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