American Journal of Social Science Research
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American Journal of Social Science Research, Vol.3, No.5, Oct. 2017, Pub. Date: Oct. 23, 2017
The Issue of Probability of Traffic Road Accident on the Elements of the Transport Network
Pages: 17-24 Views: 1928 Downloads: 870
[01] Nizami Gyulyev, Department of Transport Systems and Logistics, O. M. Beketov National University of Urban Economy in Kharkiv, Kharkiv, Ukraine.
[02] Constantine Dolya, Department of GIS, Land and Real Estate Appraisal, O. M. Beketov National University of Urban Economy in Kharkiv, Kharkiv, Ukraine.
The uneven distribution of traffic on sections of the road network leads to the increase of intensity of traffic, which in turn exceeds the bandwidth of these areas. This leads to congestion and traffic jams, which significantly reduce the efficiency of functioning of the city's transport system, lead to an increase of mental and emotional stress of the driver and a temporary disruption of some of his physiological functions. The study is aimed at assessing the impact of the duration of traffic congestion on the level of fatigue and the reaction time of drivers of different ages and temperaments, as it largely determines the likelihood of traffic accidents in the transport network elements. To do this, the graphs, where there are considered the combined influence of age and the initial state of drivers with different temperaments at the level of fatigue of the driver in traffic jams and at the time of his reaction, are built. Developed non-linear model evaluates changes of reaction time of drivers of all temperaments in a traffic jam. Analysis of the graphs shows that for the drivers of all considered types of temperaments and ages (except phlegmatic temperament) with an initial normal state before the traffic congestion, further stay in the traffic jam leads to a deterioration of the functional state and to increase of their reaction time. Traffic congestion does not adversely affect driver-phlegmatic, but on the contrary, his condition gradually improves. The results can be applied in the development of measures for the improvement of road safety in the cities.
Traffic Congestion, Functional State, Response Time, Traffic Accident, The Level of Fatigue, Temperament
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