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American Journal of Social Science Research, Vol.1, No.3, Aug. 2015, Pub. Date: Jun. 30, 2015
Armed Forces and Disaster Management
Pages: 152-157 Views: 4873 Downloads: 3042
Raja Shabab, Department of Civil Engineering Wing, MCE, National University of Sciences and Technology, Islamabad, Pakistan.
Arshad Ali, Department of Civil Engineering Wing, MCE, National University of Sciences and Technology, Islamabad, Pakistan.
Shahid Iqbal, Department of Civil Engineering Wing, MCE, National University of Sciences and Technology, Islamabad, Pakistan.
Maqbol Sadiq Awan, Department of Civil Engineering Wing, MCE, National University of Sciences and Technology, Islamabad, Pakistan.
Natural disasters like floods, earthquakes, cyclones, landslides and volcanoes etcetera may strike according to the vulnerability of the area in different parts of the world. Pakistan, due to its diverse range of terrain, is susceptible to wide ranging hazards from droughts to floods and earthquakes to cyclones. Besides above, she also suffers losses from terrorist activities. Pakistan Armed Forces are neither trained nor equipped to undertake such relief operations, yet it has always played an important role with a proactive approach to help the civil machinery overcome natural and manmade disasters in the country. Above in view analyse the role played by Pakistan Armed Forces during various disasters in the past and discuss options available to evolve a strategy and organization, capable of dealing with all types of disasters more effectively and methodically.
Hazard, Disaster Management, Armed Forces, Pakistan Army
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