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American Journal of Social Science Research, Vol.1, No.4, Oct. 2015, Pub. Date: Aug. 3, 2015
How to Re-image a City: The Interrelationship Between Sport Event and Destination Image
Pages: 238-243 Views: 4426 Downloads: 1381
Ferrara Graziella, Human Science Department, Suor Orsola Benincasa University of Naples, Napoli, Italy.
Most studies are focused on the main benefits of hosting major events. A key element for achieving these benefits is the ability of institutions to support the process of territorial marketing. This paper aims to analyze the impact of “Giro d'Italia” on Naples’ image. Some questionnaire responses by visitors to the “Giro d'Italia” were used to evaluate the image effects of the event. It evidences that hosting a major sport event can change the image of a touristic destination and its perception. The image of Naples as a touristic destination improved in 2013 but the structural and social problem of the city didn’t lead to a huge economic improvement. The paper offers a new perspective on how the urban management can re-image a city.
Sport, Geography, Management
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