American Journal of Psychology and Cognitive Science
Articles Information
American Journal of Psychology and Cognitive Science, Vol.1, No.5, Dec. 2015, Pub. Date: Dec. 11, 2015
Students’ Disposition Regarding Theory X and Y Assumptions and Their Career Choice and Academic Performance: An Empirical Study
Pages: 140-146 Views: 3193 Downloads: 4047
[01] Mohamamd Tahlil Azim, Faculty of Economics and Administration, King Abdulazisz University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.
This paper is set out to observe the relationship between human disposition in the form of X and Y characteristics as assumed by Douglas McGregor and career choice and academic performance of the students in the context of Saudi Arabia. It is a cross sectional, quantitative study based on survey research through a structured questionnaire. A sample of 278 students was surveyed. For data analysis, descriptive statistics as well as independent sample T test and Multinomial logistic model were used. The study highlights that the student’s career option is strongly related to their psychological disposition. Students with X type disposition prefer government jobs over entrepreneurship or private sector job. It implies that for any entrepreneurship training program, the participants may be selected based on their X-Y disposition. As regard academic performance, the study also shows that the students with Y disposition evidently outperform their counterparts with X disposition. It suggests that the teachers should try to develop Y characteristics among the students through allowing them latitude on their studies, and assigning them with ambiguous projects and creative exercises.
Theory X, Theory Y, Career Choice, Academic Performance, Disposition
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