American Journal of Psychology and Cognitive Science
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American Journal of Psychology and Cognitive Science, Vol.1, No.2, Jun. 2015, Pub. Date: Jun. 24, 2015
Brain Activity and Special Relativity: Estimation and a Novel Hypothesis to Explain Time Perception
Pages: 66-74 Views: 4514 Downloads: 1802
[01] Amir Hosein Ghaderi, Cognitive Neuroscience Lab., University of Tabriz, Tabriz, Iran.
The theory of special relativity suggests that, time is a byproduct of velocity and it is created during movement, obligatory. Subjective time is perceived during all senses and this perception also is obligatory. In this paper, I suppose that psychological perceived time is analogous to physical relative time. The brain uses many neural pathways in sensory system for perception. Overall the length of these pathways is very large and the information network is very huge. On the other hand, binding in this network is occurred in very little time. So the velocity of data transfer and integration in this network is too high. I suggest that time perception is related to this high speed. In this paper the internal clock and other dedicated models have been considered as Newtonian timing systems (an invalid theory). Also two time perception models which are based on the theory of special relativity are criticized and a novel hypothesis based on special relativity and brain activity is presented. The proposed hypothesis suggests that, the velocity of integration in the human cortex is near the speed of light and subjective time dilation and compression is occurred due to this relativistic speed. Many time distortions during psychological tasks and many physiological evidences are consistent with this novel hypothesis.
Time Perception, Einstein Special Relativity, Brain Activity, Integration
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