American Journal of Mobile Systems, Applications and Services
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American Journal of Mobile Systems, Applications and Services, Vol.1, No.3, Dec. 2015, Pub. Date: Jan. 6, 2016
The Approach of Durres Port as a Logistic Center in Order to Increase Management Quality
Pages: 196-202 Views: 2461 Downloads: 1460
[01] Eli Vyshka, Faculty of Professional Studies, University "Aleksander Moisiu", Durres, Albania.
[02] Osman Metalla, Faculty of Professional Studies, University "Aleksander Moisiu", Durres, Albania.
[03] Mimoza Cukalla, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Polytechnic University of Tirana, Tirana, Albania.
Shipping is vital for all countries involved in import-export of goods at the lowest possible cost. Trade, however, is not possible without transport that’s why a system to manage efficiently transport, is a prerequisite for the competitiveness of goods. Multimodal transportation is a concept that facilitates international trade by ensuring the smooth flow of cargo and providing better control over their supply chain. Port of Durres is the most important port of the country and a commercial economic gateway of Albania, positioned at the crossroads of land and sea as a strategic multi-modal hub. Objective: of this study is the integration of Port of Durres as a multimodal hub in the global supply chains aiming his transformation as a logistics center. Methodology and results: The methodology used in this paper includes both data directly collected in the field as well as statistical data collected from Durres Port Authority. Throughout the equations we have calculated the relationship that exists between the time used for certain types of cargo and volume of cargo handled in the time unit, and the berth occupancy rate. Conclusion: Based on the results and findings that authors have identified throughout the paper, we have drawn several conclusions which will help Durres Port Authority and the port operators to better exploit port capacities, increase port productivity in order to transform it, into a more competitive port, in transforming this port into a maritime logistic and intermodal transportation hub.
Logistics Center, Intermodal Transport, Multimodal Hub, the Management of Global Supply Chain
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