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American Journal of Marketing Research, Vol.1, No.2, Aug. 2015, Pub. Date: Jul. 20, 2015
Analysis of the Structure and Conduct of Paddy Rice Marketing in Benue State, Nigeria
Pages: 70-78 Views: 5211 Downloads: 3175
Abah Daniel Abah, Department of Agribusiness, College of Management Sciences, University of Agriculture, Makurdi, Benue State, Nigeria.
Abu Godwin Anjeinu, Department of Agricultural Economics, College of Agricultural Economics and Extension, University of Agriculture, Makurdi, Benue State, Nigeria.
Ater Peter Iorhon, Department of Agricultural Economics, College of Agricultural Economics and Extension, University of Agriculture, Makurdi, Benue State, Nigeria.
The broad objective of this study was to analyze the structure and conduct of rice marketing in Benue State, Nigeria. A total of two hundred and forty questionnaires were administered to the respondents in the three geopolitical Zones of the State using a multi-stage sampling procedure. The objectives were achieved using descriptive statistics and Lorenz Curve. The study found that majority (65.4%) are small holder farmers with sales income of 200,000 Naira or less per annum. Most respondents are members of marketing associations, source information through middlemen and sell their paddy based on current prices. The results further showed that there is freedom of entry and exit into the market as well as, lack of adequate marketing information. There is inequality in the market power concentration. The Gini Coefficient for Zone A (0.53) is higher than Zone B (0.46) and Zone C (0.46). The market structure was found to be oligopsonistic. Majority of the respondents sell their paddy immediately after harvest, they rely on family or personal sources for business finance, they have attended training related to their business, they sell improved varieties of paddy and they do not collude to fix prices, nor advertize their paddy for sale. The study recommends that government should provide financial support to foster farmer-operated rice processing facilities.
Analysis, Structure, Conduct, Paddy, Rice, Marketing, Nigeria
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