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American Journal of Information Science and Computer Engineering, Vol.3, No.4, Jul. 2017, Pub. Date: Aug. 1, 2017
Perception and Attitudes towards Information and Communication Technology (Internet) for Purchase Decisions among Generation Cohorts
Pages: 56-63 Views: 2059 Downloads: 779
Kavya Shree Kuduvalli Manjunath, ISBR Research Centre, University of Mysore, Mysore, India.
Manasa Nagabhushanam, ISBR Research Centre, University of Mysore, Mysore, India.
Online retailers are proliferating in huge numbers and they have observed a shift in the trend of consumers making buying decisions virtually over buying in brick and mortar retailers. There are various factors which is influencing this change of pattern. The generation cohort groups referred to as Gen X and Gen Y in the study refers to the group who belong to same age group, who share common beliefs, values, attitudes and who share common experiences during their life cycle. It is been considered as one of the basis for market segmentation (Kotler, 2000). Consumer continuously unlearns and learns based on his experiences in making purchase decisions. As technology advances and there are new ways of selling and buying, consumer evolves himself and the whole trend changes. The mind set of people born in different generations differs [19]. Though the internet purchases are slowly increasing, because of the media and negative publicity of a few bad experiences, consumers especially the Generation X category lack the trust and confidence to go a step ahead and shop online. To understand the deeper behaviour of consumers of different generations, this study makes an attempt to understand the perceptions and attitudes of different generation groups towards information and communication technology (ICT) for buying decisions. It becomes important for the online marketers to understand this diversified market segments so that they can respond with suitable strategies and can further capture the market share. The current paper is designed to yield results on awareness, perception, and attitude of different generations towards the information and communication technology for buying decisions. The study was carried out in Bangalore City with the sample size of 100 respondents using stratified sampling technique. The Hypothesis was proposed for the variables under study and tested. The data collected were analyzed using chi-square test and two population t test.
Generation Cohorts, ICT, Perception, Attitude
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