American Journal of Educational Science
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American Journal of Educational Science, Vol.1, No.3, Jul. 2015, Pub. Date: Jun. 10, 2015
Identify Unknown Bacteria with Restriction Enzyme and Its Related Factors
Pages: 47-51 Views: 5391 Downloads: 2953
[01] Tangjie Zhang, College of Veterinary Medicine, Yangzhou University, Yangzhou, Jiangsu, China.
The plasmids used in molecular biology have been modified through genetic engineering to facilitate gene cloning and gene expression in bacteria. Cutting DNA and pasting DNA fragments together typically are among the first techniques learned in the molecular biology lab fundamental to all recombinant DNA work. To identify an unknown bacteria stock, restriction enzymes are used and the experimental conditions are discussed in this paper. The results shows that the unknown has 3 fragments of 1600bp, 1700bp and 2000bp and the evidence strongly suggested that the unknown bacteria is pAMP. Factors that influence restriction enzyme activity are also discussed.
Restriction Enzyme, pAMP, Plasmid, Mini-Prep
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