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American Journal of Educational Science, Vol.4, No.3, Sep. 2018, Pub. Date: Aug. 10, 2018
Cultivating a New Learning Community to Prepare Graduate Students in Cardiovascular Epidemiology: The Jackson Heart Study
Pages: 57-62 Views: 1553 Downloads: 503
Brenda Campbell Jenkins, School of Public Health, Jackson Heart Study, Jackson State University, Jackson, USA.
Clifton Addison, School of Public Health, Jackson Heart Study, Jackson State University, Jackson, USA.
Marinelle Payton, School of Public Health, Jackson Heart Study, Jackson State University, Jackson, USA.
Objective: To describe a learning community (LC) used in the Jackson Heart Study (JHS) to train graduate students in cardiovascular epidemiology. Methods: In 2013, the JHS Graduate Training and Education (GTEC) was implemented at Jackson State University with responsibilities to develop a training program to provide opportunities for scholars to acquire professional expertise in public health and biomedical research. Results: GTEC developed a LC environment where graduate students can be exposed to academic training and expert mentoring to prepare them for a future in CVD research. Conclusions: This type of training opportunity is important for Mississippi, a state with one of the highest prevalence of CVD. To decrease morbidity and mortality by increasing the availability of well-trained public health and biomedical professionals, we concluded that well-organized learning communities can substantially increase competency, success, and overall professional proficiency.
Graduate Training, Jackson Heart Study, Cardiovascular Epidemiology, Learning Community
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