American Journal of Educational Science
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American Journal of Educational Science, Vol.4, No.3, Sep. 2018, Pub. Date: Aug. 6, 2018
The Relationship Between Family Characteristics, Parenting Style, and Students Academic Achievement in Bahir Dar Town Primary Schools: Ethiopia
Pages: 33-40 Views: 2033 Downloads: 723
[01] Asrat Kelkay, Department of Teacher Education and Curriculum Studies, College of Education and Behavioral Science, Bahir Dar University, Bahir Dar, Ethiopia.
The main purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between family characteristics, parenting styles and student academic achievement. The study follows correlation and regression analysis. In this study, it was tried to establish whether there is significant relationship between family characteristics (parents' education level and parent' income level), parenting style and a students’ academic achievement. The result of the study revealed that positive and significant relationship between parents education level and parent income level and statically significant negative correlation was obtained between parenting styles and parents educational level (r=-0.210, p<0.05). Correspondingly, there was negative significant correlation between parenting styles and parent income level (r=-.296, p<0.05). Results of regression analysis indicated that there is statistically significant contribution of parent educational level; parent income level and parenting styles to academic achievement but the contribution of parenting style was found to be negative. Generally, parent education level and parent income level were more affected by academic achievement significantly than parenting styles.
Family Characteristics, Parenting Style, Students’ Academic Achievement & Primary Schools
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