Articles Information
American Journal of Educational Science, Vol.1, No.4, Sep. 2015, Pub. Date: Jun. 26, 2015
Studying Relationship of Emotional Intelligence and Organizational Citizenship Behaviour of Boys’ Secondary School Teachers of District.5 of Tehran
Pages: 110-116 Views: 4583 Downloads: 1991
Hadi Rezghi Shirsavar, Department of Educational Management, College of Education and Psychology, GARMSAR Branch, Islamic Azad University, Garmsar, Iran.
Ali Souri, Department of Educational Management, College of Education and Psychology, GARMSAR Branch, Islamic Azad University, Garmsar, Iran.
The main purpose of this research is Studying Relationship of Emotional Intelligence and Organizational Citizenship Behavior of Boys’ Secondary School Teachers of District.5 of Tehran. With respect to purpose this research is regarded as applied and with respect to execution method it is regarded as description research. The statistical society of this research is all teachers of boys’ secondary school of District.5 of Tehran that are assessed with respect to their emotional intelligence and organizational citizenship behavior. The total number of 111 secondary schools, pre-university center with 1332 staff and 31080 students were available. In order to determine volume sample it was benefit from Morgan table by requiring minimum 302 teachers. In order to select sample and increase exactness, it is benefit from simple random sampling method and 3 persons were selected for each school and finally 333 persons were selected as volume sample. In this research it is benefit from 2 questionnaires of organizational citizenship behavior and emotional intelligence for measuring variables. Whereas questionnaire is standard, the validity of questionnaire was calculated through face validity; nevertheless, in order to assess reliability of questionnaire upon distributing it in the statistical society and determining alpha cronbach the value of 0.817 for organizational citizenship questionnaire and value of 0.874 for emotional intelligence questionnaire was calculated. Results of Pearson correlation test show that there is positive significant relationship between variables of emotional intelligence and organizational citizenship behavior of boys’ secondary school teachers of District.5 of Tehran. In addition, results of executing T test at 99% certainty show that the variable of emotional intelligence and organizational citizenship behavior of boys’ secondary school teachers of District.5 of Tehran is at appropriate level. Finally results of regression test show that nearly 68% variance of organizational citizenship behavior is described by emotional intelligence. In addition results of aforesaid test show that Beta related to variable of emotional intelligence is positive. Level of calculated Beta is 0.825 and finally regression equation of this research is: Organizational citizenship behavior: 17.505+ (0.825 x emotional intelligence).
Intelligence, Emotional Intelligence, Organizational Citizenship, Organizational Citizenship Behavior, Secondary School
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