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American Journal of Economics, Finance and Management, Vol.3, No.6, Dec. 2017, Pub. Date: Dec. 21, 2017
Impact of Corporate Social Responsibility on Sales and Profitability Performance of Quoted Manufacturing Companies in Nigeria
Pages: 70-78 Views: 2042 Downloads: 771
Solomon Yinka Aransiola, Department of Accounting and Finance, Crawford University, Faith City, Igbesa, Nigeria.
Samuel Sunday Eleboda, Department of Administration and Management, College of Business and Social Sciences, Crawford University, Faith City, Igbesa, Nigeria.
This work examines the impact of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) on the performance of quoted Manufacturing Companies in Nigeria (2007-2016). The main objective of this study explains the significance of CSR on the performance of quoted manufacturing companies in Nigeria. The study makes use of secondary data to analyze the data collected from 5 selected companies’ annual report and audited financial statement. Panel regression data analysis was used and the findings show that an increase in corporate social responsibility will also increase the profitability performance of a firm. In conclusion the results of the hypotheses tested show that corporate social responsibility has significant effect on firm’s profitability performance. The study recommends that firms should practice corporate social responsibility to improve their overall performance other than profit and to promote good relationship with the community in which the firms operate.
Corporate, Social Responsibility, Quoted Manufacturing Companies, Sales, Performance
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