American Journal of Economics, Finance and Management
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American Journal of Economics, Finance and Management, Vol.1, No.5, Oct. 2015, Pub. Date: Jul. 20, 2015
Organizational Effectiveness Models: Review and Apply in Non-Profit Sporting Organizations
Pages: 460-467 Views: 5769 Downloads: 20512
[01] Hossein Eydi, Department of Sport Management, Razi University, Kermanshah, Iran.
Organizational effectiveness continues to be a popular topic in management settings, seminars, and research projects. Similar levels of attention prevail in area of sport management. OE is at the theoretical centre of all organizational models and is the ultimate dependent variable of organizational studies, despite more than 60 years of research on the area; substantial challenges concerning how to conceptualize, measure, and explain OE remain. As the study of organizational effectiveness in profit organizations is complex and confused, studying the construct in nonprofit organizations like sporting organizations may be even more troublesome due to their distinctive nature. This article draws down from the general literature on organizational effectiveness and the specialized literature on organizational effectiveness in sport and nonprofit organizations (NPOs). Result showed five major approaches to measuring organizational effectiveness, i.e., Goal attainment, systems of resources, internal procedure, multiple constituency and competing values framework have been reported in the literature.
Organizational Effectiveness, Goal Attainment, Systems of Resources, Internal Procedure, Multiple Constituencies and Competing Values Framework
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