American Journal of Clinical Neurology and Neurosurgery
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American Journal of Clinical Neurology and Neurosurgery, Vol.1, No.1, Jul. 2015, Pub. Date: Jul. 21, 2015
Diabetes Mellitus Health Care Provision Audit at Primary Health Care Facilities in Dubai
Pages: 38-44 Views: 3774 Downloads: 1231
[01] Othman Z. J., Health Centers Department, Primary Health Care Services Sector, Dubai Health Authority, Dubai, UAE.
[02] Hussein H., School and Educational Institutions Health Unit, Health Affairs Department, Primary Health Care Services Sector, Dubai Health Authority, Dubai, UAE.
[03] Al Faisal W., School and Educational Institutions Health Unit, Health Affairs Department, Primary Health Care Services Sector, Dubai Health Authority, Dubai, UAE.
[04] Wasfy A., Research and Statistics Department, Ministry of Health, Dubai, UAE.
Background: Quality indicator is a measurable element of practice performance for which there is evidence that it can be used to assess the quality and hence change the quality of care provided. Objectives: To study Care provision (process and outcome indicators) to patients with diabetes at primary care facility in Dubai. Methodology: Cross sectional study was conducted in primary health care centers DHA Dubai. Dubai are divided into two regions: deira and Bur Dubai. All adult (18 years and above) diabetic patients attending PHC centers, with available record, both males and females were selected. Patient should be diagnosed with diabetes mellitus for at least one year. Patient should have at least two visits to the study clinic in the 24 month at the start of the study. Gestational diabetes were excluded. By using EPI- INFO version 6.04 program the minimal sample size required is calculated to be 362. Multi stage stratified random sampling method was used. A structured questionnaire was used for data collection. Results: The quality indicators of care provided to diabetic patients. As regards the process of care, the blood pressure was measured in every visit in all cases, the LDL was measured in the last 12 months in 98.9%, 93.5% had foot examination in the last 12 months, 83.5% had eye examination in the last 12 months and only 60.7% had their Hba1c measured every 3 months. For the outcome of care indicators, it can be noted that 60.2% had their blood pressure at target controlled as compared to 53.1% for LDL and only 44.1% for HbA1c. Conclusions: Auditing process and outcome of care which have been delivered revealed a reasonable adherence to the guideline, the process of care showed better adherence than the outcome of care as the process were more related to the system where the health care delivered while the outcome of care is multi-factorial product. Recommendations: Filling the gap shown by this study in the diabetic care system at PHC/ Dubai health authority, through proper address of the weakness in the domain of continuity of care which showed low diabetes control.
Audit, Diabetes Mellitus, Care Provision, Dubai
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