American Journal of Geophysics, Geochemistry and Geosystems
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American Journal of Geophysics, Geochemistry and Geosystems, Vol.6, No.1, Mar. 2020, Pub. Date: Feb. 20, 2020
Geomorphic Classification and Mapping of Rapti River System Using Satellite Remote Sensing Data
Pages: 1-15 Views: 1347 Downloads: 679
[01] Kuldeep Pareta, Water Resource Department, DHI (India) Water & Environment Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, India.
[02] Upasana Pareta, Department of Mathematics, PG College, District Sagar (Madhya Pradesh), India.
Rapti river system in India has been selected for the form and process based geomorphic classification and mapping through modern techniques i.e. satellite remote sensing data, digital elevation model data, survey of India topographical maps, and GIS. The high-resolution satellite remote sensing data and GIS has provided very precise and relatively complex information about the rivers specifically focused on fluvial geomorphic features / units. More than 100 research articles have been critically reviewed for form and process based geomorphic classification. Various geomorphologists have tried to map the river based on form and process, more of them, mapped the river on them own thought, some of geomorphic features are commonly mapped, but some geomorphic features, they were mapped differently means geomorphic features are same, but they have given the name different as no match with each-other. Total 57 different geomorphic classifications have been obtained from these studies and have been grouped into four geomorphic classification i.e. Rosgen classification system, river styles framework, natural channel classification, and statistical classification. For this study we have used 1: 2000 mapping scale to identify various in-channel geomorphic features, and out-of-channel geomorphic features at micro level. A total of 44 specific morphology features have been identified, out of which 21 specific morphology features have been identified in “out-of-channel (active floodplain)”, 5 specific morphology features have been identified in “out-of-channel inactive floodplain (terrace)” and 18 specific morphology features have been identified in “in-channel”.
Geomorphic Classification, Remote Sensing, DEM, GIS, Rapti River
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