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American Journal of Geophysics, Geochemistry and Geosystems, Vol.5, No.3, Sep. 2019, Pub. Date: Nov. 21, 2019
Hydro-Geomorphological Mapping of Rapti River Basin (India) Using ALOS PALSAR (DEM), GRACE/GLDAS & Landsat-8 Remote Sensing Data
Pages: 104-118 Views: 1365 Downloads: 1038
Kuldeep Pareta, Department of Water Resource, DHI (India) Water & Environment Pvt. Ltd., Delhi, India.
Upasana Pareta, Department of Mathematics, PG College, District Sagar (Madhya Pradesh), India.
In recent years applications of remote sensing and GIS enhance the technology for hydro-geomorphological mapping. Satellite Imagery provides integrated information on various topographic factors for recognized groundwater studies. The main objective of this study is to prepare a details hydro-geomorphological map of Rapti river basin based on Landsat-8 satellite remote sensing data; ALOS PALSAR (DEM) data; Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE) data; Global Land Data Assimilation System (GLDAS) data; and CGWB depth to water level data. A detailed study of geology, landform classification, soil texture analysis, geomorphology and hydro-geomorphology of Rapti river basin has been done by using the satellite remote sensing data i.e. Landsat data, ALOS PALSAR (DEM) data, GRACE data, GLDAS data and CGWB DTWL data. Regional average groundwater storage fluctuations were computed based on observational time series from 46 monitoring wells distributed somewhat evenly across the Rapti river basin. Pre-monsoon 2004 & 2015, Post-monsoon 2004 & 2015 data of Central Ground Water Board (CGWB) and Water Equivalent Thickness (GRACE JPL) have been analysed and prepared the hydro-geomorphological map for assessment of groundwater systems. The role of geomorphology is important to correctly evaluate groundwater resources. This study has been highlighted on the systematic guidelines for preparing of detail hydro-geomorphological map of very large area in a quick way.
Geology, Hydro-Geomorphology, Ground Water, GRACE/GLDAS, ALOS PALSAR and GIS
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