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American Journal of Geophysics, Geochemistry and Geosystems, Vol.5, No.3, Sep. 2019, Pub. Date: Nov. 21, 2019
Identification of Vulnerable Areas to Natural Hazards along Rapti River System in U.P. (India) using Satellite Remote Sensing Data and GIS
Pages: 91-103 Views: 1233 Downloads: 443
Kuldeep Pareta, Department of Water Resource, DHI (India) Water & Environment Pvt. Ltd., Delhi, India.
Upasana Pareta, Department of Mathematics, PG College, District Sagar (Madhya Pradesh), India.
This paper illustrates the case of Rapti river system in U.P. of India. The main purpose of this study is to identify the vulnerable areas to natural hazards by using multi-criteria model integrated with remote sensing and GIS is to provide more flexible and more accurate decisions to the decision makers. Based on this principle, the study aims to utilize space tools to extract physical data in a comprehensive approach as well as analyse and manipulate these datasets in GIS, thus determining the vulnerable areas to natural hazards. More specifically, the study aims to produce thematic maps for each type of existing natural hazards, among which geographic zones can be classified with respect to different risk levels. For this study, ten different criteria i.e. settlement, cultivated area, soil, geology, slope, erosional area, morphologically active river bankline reaches, embankments, spurs / studs, bridge, and barrages have been considered. The criteria for each of components were determined based on expert opinions and literature review. The result obtained from multi-criteria analysis has been classified in 5 categories i.e. very-highly sensitive, highly sensitive, highly-moderate sensitive, moderate sensitive, and not sensitive. Total 273 vulnerable areas to natural hazards have been identified, out of these vulnerable areas, total 98 vulnerable areas are very-highly sensitive, 69 vulnerable areas are highly sensitive, and 106 vulnerable areas are highly-moderate sensitive. Out of 98 very-highly sensitive vulnerable areas to natural hazards, we have visited 46 vulnerable areas to verify the vulnerability of the areas, and significant observations have been noted.
Vulnerable Areas, Natural Hazards, Remote Sensing, GIS, Rapti River
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