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American Journal of Geophysics, Geochemistry and Geosystems, Vol.1, No.1, Apr. 2015, Pub. Date: Apr. 8, 2015
The Delineation of Linear Features from Different Image Resolutions Using Edge Modelling Technique in the Al-Mawasit Area, Taiz, Yemen
Pages: 7-18 Views: 4679 Downloads: 1954
Shawki Nassr, Geology Department, Faculty of Applied Science, Taiz University, Taiz, Yemen.
Anwar Abdullah, Geology Department, Faculty of Applied Science, Taiz University, Taiz, Yemen.
Edges can better be observed and analyzed by using different spatial resolutions of images and different processing techniques. The detection of natural edges in satellite images (bands) of Enhanced Thematic Mappper (ETM) with different resolutions leads to get informations about linear features related to structures in the study area. Edge modelling technique including integrated different filters, SQRT, Delta and convert models was used in this study to enhance the edges in the bands 5,6 and 8 with 30m, 60m and 15m resolutions, respectively. Three coloured edge images were produced using this models from bands 5,6 and 8, respectively. The visual interpretation and overlying technique were used to evaluate these edge images. The pixel distribution of edges produced from band 5 was the better compared with other images and the matching edge lines-true fault lines percentage of coloured edge image produced from band 5 was 75.69% as a highest matching percentage compared with other percentages. 34 linear features were mapped from coloured edge image of the band 5 in the study area, and identified as new faults. This leads to updating and revising existing fault map of the study area. The trends analysis of structural linear features shows the major trends in the NW-SE and NE-SW, respectively. The structural analysis shows the NW-SE was the direction of the tensional deformation acted in the area. The NW-SE and NE-SW linear features seem to be normal and reverse faults respectively, while the N-S and E-W linear features were shear fractures (strike slip faults). Moreover, two fault zones were observed such as Mawasit and Turbah Fault Zones with the NW-SE and NE-SW strikes directions and NW and SE dips directions, respectively. These fault zones resulted from Gulf of Aden and Red Sea Active Rifting Systems effects.
Edge, Resolution, Models, Linear Features, Fault Lines
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