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American Journal of Geophysics, Geochemistry and Geosystems, Vol.2, No.3, Jun. 2016, Pub. Date: Jul. 27, 2016
Role of Geological Structures and Lithology in the Quantitative and Qualitative Changes of Takestan Aquifer
Pages: 23-30 Views: 3327 Downloads: 1064
Naser Ebadati, Geology Department, Science Faculty, Islamshahr Branch, Islamic Azad University, Islamshahr, Iran.
Takestan region constitutes part of the feeding and underground waters intake to Qazvin plain aquifer and such waters gradually change quantitatively and qualitatively through time along the path. The aim of this study is determining the interactive effects of water sources and geological structures, lithology and the resulting qualitative changes as well as evaluating the role of structural factors in quantitative changes of the area water sources. For this purpose, to assess the underground water sources and range of groundwater tables the existing 144 exploratory boreholes in the understudy area range were used and physical and chemical analyses were performed through sampling from the wells in 5 station and the changes in anions, cations, TDS, EC and TH values for either one of the parts were obtained. Based on the results of surface waters and groundwater tables' quality analysis as well as examining the geological maps, this paper deals with the analyzing of the relationship between water features and structural-geological changes of the under study area. There is a significant relationship between lithology features, structural geology of the basin and quantitative-qualitative changes of water sources in the area.
Takestan, Aquifer, Hydrogeology, Quality Changes
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