American Journal of Geophysics, Geochemistry and Geosystems
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American Journal of Geophysics, Geochemistry and Geosystems, Vol.1, No.3, Aug. 2015, Pub. Date: Jul. 28, 2015
Ecosystem’s Support to Spin-Off: A Geographical Study
Pages: 115-119 Views: 4371 Downloads: 1101
[01] Ferrara Graziella, Human Science Department, Suor Orsola Benincasa University of Naples, Napoli, Italy.
Literature on spin-off leads back firms’ success to their specific network of relations with partner of external environment. While the existence of external innovation dependencies in such systems of innovation has been well documented in the literature, this article focuses on factors affecting creation and development of an ecosystem supportive for spin-offs’ success. At the aim to identify main examples of ecosystems that despite of their diversity are equally able to support spin-off creation and innovation diffusion we compare some case studies. Specifically we present as case study Route 182, Silicon Valley, Oulu and Sophia Antipolis because they represent worldwide benchmarks in studies on spin-off creation and innovation diffusions. This article offers a new perspective in ecosystem field of analysis.
Geography, Innovation, Entrepreneurship
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