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American Journal of Geophysics, Geochemistry and Geosystems, Vol.1, No.3, Aug. 2015, Pub. Date: Aug. 3, 2015
New Geographical Configuration of Europe: Implications for Supply Chain Planners
Pages: 120-123 Views: 4091 Downloads: 730
Ferrara Graziella, Human Science Department, Suor Orsola Benincasa University of Naples, Napoli, Italy.
The several round of enlargement of European Union with the admission of Central and Eastern States into the Union has changed the economic geography of Europe. Policy-makers have realized that in order to achieve sustainable economic growth of all EU States and firms operating in them it is crucial to encourage creation of logistic clusters. At this aim, it is likely to implement policies aimed to increase interaction among firms and local institutions. Despite the relevance of this topic few articles evidence geographical and strategic aspects. This paper aims to fill this literature gap. This paper gives an overview of new geographical configuration of Europe and its implications for supply chain planners.
Geography, Economy, Europe
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